A prominent attorney in Chicago came to Lauren wanting a very Modern and high tech looking office, yet not your typical office furniture throughout. Lauren soon after discovered the client’s shared passion for Mid Century Modern antiques, and she found Vintage pieces through antique dealers in the city. She refinished, reupholstered, and reworked them to be updated in style and also to reflect the Modern style of the office. The juxtaposition of the hard metal and glass alongside the Classic furniture pieces provide for interest throughout the office. This is definitely not your typical traditional style Law Firm!
Another request from the client was that his partners all get expansive and private window offices, while still creating open spaces in the core of the space where employees can congregate. We custom designed a curved sectional sofa in the Cafe with attached walnut end tables/bookshelves.
We also designed a custom conference 140” conference table in figured walnut wood, and used reupholstered Vintage Zographos conference chairs to accompany the table. The art is by Barbara Coburn and Robert Medsker.